Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Welcome. Thoughts on My Immortal.

I am Ike Dawn. I shall be posting my thoughts on anything that comes to my attention. That pretty much narrows it down to Books, Video games, and the occasional fanfiction.

Now that that is out of the way, let me shake you warmly by the hand. Buddy, I am going to investigate the famed 'My Immortal' piece. It's a real piece of work, let me tell you. Personally, I don't see why it's hated so much...I think it's hiliarous.

I'm having some trouble finding the site I first read the story one... The story isn't the same on the white background of I want some Bright green neon font with a goffic black background.You know, to stay in theme.

Yeah, Chapter one isn't really my favorite... basically, the author, who also happens to be the main character, spends more than half the chapter describing herself. Apparently, she is a Vampire witch with perfect white teeth who is a goth and looks like Amy Lee.(Apparently, the author thinks I should just kill myself now, since I don't know who that is) Anyway! Draco Malfoy pops up out of nowhere, sighs hi, and then the author ditches him. You know, this all sounds oddly familiar... Anyway! That's all for that chappie.

Okay, so chapter two begins with the author being pissed about getting attacked through reviews. I can understand how she feels, but to be honest, she kind of deserves it. I remember this being funny, dammit, where's all the jokes? Well,the author gets up, drinks some blood out of a water bottle, chats with her friend, who asks her about Draco. Yep. the Author is in love with Draco. Go figure. Immediatly after this becomes obvious, Draco pops up out of nowhere and asks her out. Like a boss. She says yes. They're going to see some stereotypical 'emo' band in Hogsmeade or whatever, and I don't really care because I remember laughing at this why is this not funny right now.

Okay, during the customary 'I have to describe everything I put on and what I look like' at the start of chapter 3, She... Umm... Straightens her hair, and then spikes it.


yeeeah. I don't know anything about hair, like, at all(I'm a dude... I only care enough so the girls are into me, you know) But isn't that... like, not smart at all?

Anyway, they get into Draco's Flying Car (Apparently, he bought it from Satan, as the plate says 666) And they do cigarettes and drugs. After a while, they end up at the concert, listen to some awful music, get some autographs, and then drive... into the Forbidden Forest!!!

Yeah, at this point, I'm really regretting writing this for my debut. I can't really explain it, but... well, I don't feel like I'm offering any insightful views on the story itself. It's just... not very deep, is all. ugh... Well, I suppose I have no choice but to press on.

Dumbledore shows up, finds out they've been making out, and says... Heheehhehehe... "What the hell are you doing, you motherfukers!!!!!' Yup. seriously. Cracked me up when I first saw it.

Come to think of it... maybe that's why I liked it so much the first time through. It was just shock value. I was surprised at how stupid some people could be, is all. Ahahaha... yeah. Maybe I should review the actual freaking Harry Potter books, you know, for giggles.

The Author proves, that whatever her own personal faults may be, that she is still about a a bazillion times more talented then James Patterson. See, Tara can actually maintain consistency in between chapters. And now my lame joke is not funny, and now I see that it's not even true... much to my chagrin.

Yep. The power of love gets them out of trouble in Chapter six.


I'm done. This is boring.

Hey, amigos, Any fanfic, Book, or game you want me to look into, don't hesitate to ask.

Final Thoughts:

My Immortal is the kind of story that is worth looking into due to it's infamy within the Harry Potter fandom. However, it is just not the same if you have already read it once.

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